Overlay Cafe

“People will forget what you said, but they will never forget what you did. ”

— Maya Angelou

Starting The Day With Dignity.

We all need a cup of coffee in the morning sometimes to get the day going. Project Overlay provides the start to the morning we all look forward to, a cup of coffee, a little food, and some encouragement before we go on our way. We look forward to these mornings to connect and catch up with our unsheltered neighbors and provide them the space to start their day with dignity.

Overlay Mobile Cafe Hunger Relief program on the weekend will allows our unsheltered neighbors the opportunity to see that there is hope for a meal and services, not only Monday through Friday, but Saturday and Sunday as well.


What Our Neighbors Are Saying


“Thank you for coming today. I needed some food to be able to take my medication.”

“Thank you for not forgetting about us on the weekend.”


“Wow! We don’t often see people who look like us coming to help us.”

Are you a business owner or executive that wants to align with our vision? Contact us today to see how you and your business can collabaorate with us.